
The Veer Narayan Mahavidyalaya is magnificent building, which provides a neat, clean and very congenial working atmosphere for faculty, pupil teacher and staff. The environment is conductive to foster creative collaboration between the teacher and the taught. The lecture halls are equipped with most modern teaching aids like LCD projectors and OHP. The technology lab is well occupied with all the devices of information and communication technology .It takes over new challenges in the field of education. Together all these facilities contribute to the making of Teachers who will never fall short of knowledge and action, while managing their assigned tasks. The pupil teacher has also the privilege of receiving knowledge from a truly outstanding faculty.



Well-equipped physical & life science lab.



Various Chemicals.



Models of different parts of Homan body.



Well advanced psychology test and its scoring key in standardized forms by eminent psychologist. The tests Include:-

Achievement Motivation Test.

Intelligence Test.

Personality Test.

Attitude Test.

Creative Thinking Test.

Value Pattern Test.

Blank Transparency.

Printed Transparency.


Educational Technology Lab

The college has well equipped Technology lab with slide projector, overhead projector, LCD, Television, VCR, geometrical figures, models, charts, maps, transparencies, slides, white board, flannel board, etc. of standard quality. Technology lab is being utilized by all the lecturers and Students. The students are acquainted with knowledge, uses, working and operation of various technology & aids. The students have to prepare transparencies, PowerPoint presentations, charts, models in their teaching subjects. Teachers make use of various aids for the teaching purpose & giving demonstration lessons to make the learning of various topics interesting and effective.




The Library has separate reference section Journals and reading room


Number of books in the library

About 3058

Total number of Educational Journals/Periodicals being subscribed

Journals - 12

Number of encyclopedias available in the library


Number of titles in the library


Seating capacity of the reading room of the library